In carrying out its business activities and operations, the Company is committed to give not only the best to our shareholders, also but to ensure provision of benefits to its employees and communities, as well as to actively participate in protecting the environment. The Company attempts to ensure that its existence will not burden and harm but rather help and the benefit surrounding community, especially the people living in areas around offices and plants. The our Company is cares about issues faced by the community, and the Company continuously takes an active part in helping to overcome their problems.

Environment Aspect

The Company is engaged in the food and beverage industry. Protecting the environment is one of the long term goals of the Company's social responsibility as a producer of food and beverages. The Company has always obeys various laws and regulations relating to the environment and the Company has always fulfill certain agreements in accordance with the existing permissions. The Company believes that the Company's operations already everything related significant regulations concerning the environment.
The Company completes production facility with necessary waste processing equipment and employ personal to monitor compliance with environmental standards. Waste management activities primarily involve monitoring and disposal of solid and liquid waste.

In the field of production, the Company uses eco-friendly cardboard packaging since its inception. The Company also actively participates and acts as sponsor in the Thanks to Nature program that invites the community to love and preserve the environment by not throwing garbage anywhere, by conserving water and electrical energy, by contributing to plant millions of trees in Indonesia, and others.

Employment Aspect

The Labour Act is the foundation of the Company in labour issues. The company always adheres to the rules and provisions contained in the legislation. In addition, the company may also have had a Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) which is a guide for all employees in performing their duties.

The CLA has been prepared by a team consisting of representatives of the Company and representatives of the Union with the primary objective to clarify and affirm the rights and obligations of each party, either existing or not yet regulated in the Labour Act. The Company also has a Corporate Regulation which contains the ethical guidelines for the working class and the managerial staff

The company regulation can be a Decree of the Board, a Memo from the Board of Directors, an Announcement of the Directors, etc. Both the CLA and the Company Regulations govern how employees of the Company must carry out their duties in accordance with the law, ethical values and applicable law, and prohibit them to perform acts that are contrary to the rules of the Company and legal regulations.

Social and Community Development Aspect

a. Care for the surrounding community
The Company has assisted the community in the vicinity of the office and factory at Cimareme Village and Gadobangkong Village, also the Company has played an active role in the field of public health by donating medical tools to Puskesmas and Posyandu in those villages.

The Company also donated funds to cover education for Healthcare Posts employees, so they can in turn educate the villagers to better understand good nutrition and healthy living practices.

The Company actively helps provide clean water to the community living in the neighborhood of the Company by building water reservoirs, all furnished with waterworks pipelines. For houses of worship and schools existing in the vicinity of the Company, special direct pipelines for water supply are made. In 2014, the total cost incurred for the programs in this field is Rp480.000.000.

b. Care for Education

In the field of education field, the Company takes an active part in providing scholarships and giving assistance in programs to construct and renovate school buildings, sponsorships various seminars and other educational activities. In 2014, the cost incurred for the programs in this field is Rp1,872,000,000.

Product Responsibility Aspect

All of the Company's products have received a registration approval from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), as required for food products (and drink) in retail packaging. All of the Company's products also have a halal certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council.

Customer Hotline

0 800 11 ULTRA
0 800 11 85872




*This number is only used by P.T. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, Tbk. to contact consumers via SMS and does not apply vice versa. Customer Care can only be contacted via telephone at 0-800-11-85872